There has been real progress in the past week, slowly but surely, on the build-out of our new Art Saint Louis Gallery and Catalyst Coffee Bar home at 2801 Locust Street. However, we are still experiencing construction delays and are waiting on plumbing, lights, painting, and moving all of our stuff from temporary on-site storage in to our dedicated space. We look forward to settling in permanently to our new home very soon.
To support ASL's move in a financial way, in a financial way, donations will help us to purchase goods, furnishings, supplies, video monitors, and more. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who has already contributed time and money towards the relocation—thank you.
It's been a very busy couple of weeks since we moved out of our Pine Street location and in to our new home at 2801 Locust Street. Our new space is still under construction but is coming together and in a beautiful way.
We are grateful to last week's fabulous crew of volunteers who helped ASL's Francesca Passanise sand & paint our new Catalyst Coffee Bar chairs in the blazing heat!! Thank you to Chandler Branch, Ali Breitbach, Sevvi Breitbach, Jen Collins, Poppy Curcuru, Morgan Laughlin, and Chris Ruess.
If you would like to volunteer in some way, please contact
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to let her know how you can assist. Or, tosupport ASL's move in a financial way, donations will help purchase goods & supplies from ourAmazon Wish Listand furnishings such asthese IKEA shelves for our storage area (we can use 3),this IKEA desk. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who has already contributed time and money towards the relocation.
Thank you & we look forward to sharing our new home with you soon.