Our mission in action, connecting and inspiring our community through the work of St. Louis regional artists!Thank you for your interest in supporting Art Saint Louis. As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the generosity of individuals, businesses, corporations, and foundations to transform ideas into impact. Supporting the mission, exhibitions, programs, and services offered by Art Saint Louis may take many forms, including cash or in-kind donations, monthly giving, exhibit and program underwriting, gifts of estate (planned giving), and volunteer service. Secure online donations may be made through Kindful by clicking here.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024, is Giving Tuesday and we are asking for your financial support. As we enter this season in which many of us celebrate and come together, we ask that you consider how you can respond to the call to support our region’s contemporary visual artists by making a generous monetary gift or commitment to Art Saint Louis.
We're serious about managing your charitable investment with the upmost respect. No higher compliment can be given to Art Saint Louis than the gift of your trust. We proudly invite you to view our latest financial reports. Art Saint Louis is a Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity, meeting all 20 Standards for Charity Accountability and is a Seal Holder. View our BBB Charity Review. For information on recognition, benefits and planned giving, please
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Art Saint Louis is a fully qualified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Did you know that you can contribute to Art Saint Louis simply by doing some of the things you probably already do when you shop or search online? Art Saint Louis is enrolled in Schnucks' escrip program. Simply by picking up an escrip card at your local Schnucks, registering it at www.escrip.com, and having the cashier swipe the card each time you make a purchase, Art Saint Louis earns 1%-3% on each transaction. You can also register your Macy's credit card on escrip, and every purchase you make will result in a donation to Art Saint Louis. For more information visit www.escrip.com
Another easy way to support the work of Art Saint Louis is to make Goodsearch your search engine of choice. Simply visit www.goodsearch.com, use this web site as your search engine and Art Saint Louis will earn money every time you search the web. On Goodsearch's main screen, there is a tab that asks, "Who do you Goodseach for?" and in the "enter your charity here" tab, simply type in Art Saint Louis. From then on, each time you use Goodsearch Art Saint Louis will earn support.