Please join Art Saint Louis as we participate in the July 6, 2012 ArtD Tour. Select one of two Routes on which to travel and visit local galleries: Choose to visit Art Saint Louis, Soulard Contemporary Art Market and Concrete Ocean galleries on Route B or Gateway Gallery, Craft Alliance Delmar Loop and Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum on Route A.
The event begins with check-in from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at The Sheldon Art Galleries in Grand Center. Free parking at Grand Center Parking. Shuttles will depart for Routes A or B from 6:30-7 p.m. Prior to boarding your bus or shuttle, you'll also be able to visit The Pulitzer and CAMSTL.
You can travel on a school bus for $20 per guest (in advance) or $25 (walk-up) OR you can travel in the luxury of an air-conditioned bus equipped with restroom for $30 (in advance) or $35 (walk-up).
Enjoy an After Party (free with ArtD Tour ticket) from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at ArtDimensions, 2720 Cherokee Street. Party includes live music, door prizes, fine art & food.
Choose ROUTE B and join Art Saint Louis on July 6, 2012!!
Tickets may be purchased only through presenter ArtDimensions online or by phone: 314/607-7693.