Sukkah City Annex: Defining & Defying Boundaries

January 16 - February 23, 2012

Presented in ASL's Dion Dion Gallery, this exhibit is co-presented by Art Saint Louis and the Museum of ImaJewnation. The aim of the project (originally presented in October 2011 at Congregation Shaare Emeth) is to seek to start a conversation about the role boundaries play in defining and defying the contemporary human condition as interpreted by the building of the traditional Jewish structure of the Sukkah, a structure that recalls the homeless exodus through the desert and the festival of harvest, pilgrimage, and homecoming. A temporary structure, the Sukkah dwelling is a perfect metaphor for defining a new kind of living amidst ever-changing boundaries.

The featured artists in Sukkah City Annex: Defining & Defying Boundaries are:

James Stone Goodman, St. Louis, MO
Leah Fuhrer Howard, St. Louis, MO
Claire Medol Hyman, University City, MO
Lyubov Muravyeva, Ballwin, MO
Josie Rosenthal, St. Louis, MO
Connie Swinson, St. Louis, MO
Sara Swinson, Maplewood, MO
Billha Zussman, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The artworks in this small exhibition address the various issues involved in boundaries and the actual artworks will be Sukkah walls and/or pieces of walls. Works in this show are curated by ASL's Robin Hirsch and were part of the larger exhibition, Sukkah City StL: Defining & Defying Boundaries, presented at Shaare Emeth Congregation, St. Louis, MO (October 2011) and Danforth Campus of Washington University (October 17-23, 2011).



Art Saint Louis is FREE and open to the public. Gallery hours are Monday 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Gallery closed Sundays, holidays and between exhibits.


Art Saint Louis is easily accessible by MetroLink. The Convention Center Station is located at 6th Street & Washington Avenue and is mere steps away from our front door. There are several parking garages and lots near Art Saint Louis, for specific locations, download a Downtown Parking Guide here

Events, exhibition themes, dates, jurors & gallery hours are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, phone 314/241-4810 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . For additional information on 2012-13 exhibitions, click here. For downloadable entry forms for our upcoming juried exhibits click here.

Art Saint Louis programs & operations are made possible with the support of Whitaker Foundation, Regional Arts Commission, Missouri Arts Council, Emerson, EdwardJones, and the Arthur & Helen Baer Foundation.


Art Saint Louis │ 1223 Pine Street │ St. Louis, MO │ 63103 │ p: 314-410-7576 │